Summary af Dan Høi

The movie ‘’The Imitation Game’’ (released 01.07.2015) is directed by Morten Tyldum is a movie about the British people during World War 2. They have to break the Enigma code to win the war. Alan Turing (Benedict Cumberbatch) is one of the brightest mathematicians in the world, and he thinks he has what it takes to break the Enigma code and win the war.

In the hope of cracking the Enigma code, the mathematicians has a bad habit to get on each other nerves and provoke Alan Turing. At long least the mathematicians finds a way to break the Enigma code, which involve a huge invention we all know today as the computer.
Alan Turing is secretly gay, which is illegal at this time, so he has to hide his feelings and pretend to marry a woman he does not love. Alan do not know how to be social, because he only had one friend in the school. In addition, the rest of the school bullied him.

After World War 2 Alan Turing is found guilty of being homosexual, and had to choose between 2 years of prison or hormone treatment. Alan chooses the hormone treatment because he could not live without his dear Christopher (The computer he invented).

After a year, Alan ends up taking his own life because of the hormone treatment, which should have cured him from being a homosexual.

Summary af Dan Høi

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